What are you looking for in a bead locked wheel. Quality? Price? Service after the sale? If price is driving your decision, you will end up with a wheel machined from a Chinese casting. If quality and service are a priority, you must consider TR Wheels.
TrailReady has been producing quality off road accessories since 1997. All TR Beadlocks, whether our HD Series True Beadlock, or our fine converted alloy wheels are counter pressure cast in the US, by talented trades men and women.
- TR Beadlocks are the ONLY readily available beadlocked wheels cast in the USA.
- TR Beadlock Wheels are a proven winner when it comes to high performance off-road. We have applications for Desert Racing, Rock Racing, Rock Crawling and Extreme Trail Running,
- TR is the number one producer of aluminum beadlocked wheels for the military, including light vehicles, ATV's and unmanned ground based vehicles.
- LIFE-TIME WARRANTY. TR offers a non-transferable lifetime warranty on HD Series Wheels